That's right, according to the Bible, we must confess (
Romans 10:9-10
So just exactly what is it that we have to confess?
We must confess that Jesus is Lord (God's son) and that God raised Him from the dead (
Romans 10:9-10
This indicates publicly that you believe Jesus is the son of God.
Lets look at the story of the Ethiopian eunuch found in
Acts 8:26-40
. And in this story in verses
36 & 37
it is recorded that before being able to be baptized, the eunuch confessed that he believed that Jesus Christ was the son of God.
But besides this, we are told we must confess our faults ( sins ) to one another (
James 5:16
), so that these sins will be forgiven (
1 John 1:9
Now to jump ahead to the bottom line. Is confession something that you would be willing to do? I mean, are you willing to get up and confess in front of anyone, at anytime, and anyplace that you believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God? That He came to Earth and lived as a human? That He died and shed His blood on the cross for your sins? That He came back to life after 3 days? And that from now on, you are going to do your best to live your life as God wants you to?
Confession establishes who you are: (
John 12:26
Acts 24:14
1 John 4:2-3
, and
2 John 1:7
I mean, are you willing to do this even if it should mean loosing your own life by doing it? (
Luke 17:33
John 12:25
So I ask again, Are you willing to do this?
Remember (
Matthew 10:32-33
Also, here are a couple of more of the many verses that talk about confession.
Acts 19:18
Philippians 2:11
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