There is still a need to talk about a few more basic topics in order
to asure we build a good and solid foundation in the Bible and using it
as our sole source of authority. (
Luke 6:47-49
1 Corinthians
Ephesians 2:20
So, here is another idea that we must need to consider before the
next lesson. And that is the idea of AUTHORITY. The idea of authority
should not be a new idea, but an idea we should realize that we need to
use every day.
When you read something, or someone tells you something, do you
automatically accept it as fact? I don't think so. Not unless you
first mentally 'consider the source'. Is the person telling me this
reliable? or are they known for spinning yarns, telling only part of,
or stretching, the truth? It matters!!! Especially in areas of
salvation and the Bible. It matters a great deal. That is something
we must always consider, the source. And remember, the source is not
me, your best friend, your family member, or even your preacher,
priest, or pastor. In religious matters, it should ALWAYS BE 'THE WORD
OF GOD'! Remember in a previous lesson, how we made mention of the
people of Berea being more noble than those in Thessalonica (
Acts 17:10-12
)? They were not even willing to take the word of an apostle (Paul),
with out first checking it against the scriptures. And neither should
we, even if an "angel from heaven" (
Galatians 1:6-12
) tells us.
Because sometimes even the most honest people you know, because we
are human, make mistakes. Like someone doing some genealogy research.
And in using some information from a previous family member researcher,
whom they fully trust, they find some inaccurate information. Like
someone that had been recorded as being born in 1876 when actually they
were born in 1867 (according to census records). Which helps explain
how they had a child born in 1884. At 17 years old (1884-1867 = 17) instead of 8 years
old (1884-1876 = 8). An honest mistake? Yes, they had inadvertently transposed the 6 &
7 in the date. Not intentionally, but the error was stated just the
same, so without the careful study of another researcher, no telling
how many times this error would have been repeated and believed.
And so that is all I'm asking you to do here. "Consider the source"
= Get (your Bible) ---see note at bottom of page--- out and read it for
So, What should we use as an accepted means of authority? The Bible
of course!
And how are we suppose to use the Bible as the sole authority in
guiding us in our worship of God? Well, actually there are three
things we must ask as we study the scripture as it directs us on how to
worship God.
1: Is this a direct commandment? For example in Acts when the
early church was told specifically to chose seven (7) men of honest
report to serve (
Acts 6:3
). Then would it be alright for us to use eight (8) men because we
happen to have a large church or congregation? I do not think so!!
After all the first congregation started out with 3000 people (
Acts 2:41
2: Is this an example that we should be following? in other
words, Is this the way it was done by the early christians/church? (
John 13:15
1 Peter 2:21
Hebrews 8:5
1 Corinthians
, etc.) And we are given a direct example of this type of authority in
Acts 20:7
) where it gives us the example of the disciples coming together on the
"first day of 'the' week" for the specific purpose to "break bread" and
while they were gathered together there, preaching took place.
And NOT followers of something else (
2 Peter 1:16
2 Timothy 4:2-5
, etc.)
Therefore in using the Bible as our sole source of authority, today
we also come together on the first day of the week to break bread
because that is the way the disciples did it. (We will talk more about
this in a later lesson.)
3: And then there is a third type of authority the Bible gives
us and that type is called "necessary inference". That is like where
we are told to do something, but not instructed on a specific way of
doing it. For example, we are told in (
Hebrews 10:25
) "not to forsake assembling ourselves together". But we are not told
where to assemble- in a building, on a boat, under a tree, or some
other place. So we are free to assemble most anywhere.
So in two of the most reliable translations, Jesus, Himself, said in
Matthew 28:18
, "ALL POWER (AUTHORITY) hath been given unto me in
heaven and on earth."
And when He says "ALL", He means "ALL"!!
The Bottom Line: We 'must' have authority for the things we do.
When God tells us what He wants us to do, then that is what we
'must' do.
And when He tells us how He wants us to do it, then that is the way we
'must' do it. PEROID!!
*****(NOTE: Don't forget what we talked about in a previous lesson, "What translation is my
Bible?") *****
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