Let me elaborate on this question a bit: Where do you put your faith, in God or in man?
Now that may seem like a dumb question at first. (I had a school teacher one time that always said, "The only dumb question was the one you don't ask.")
So, let's ask ourselves this question: "Where do you ( I ) put your (my) faith, in God or in man?
You would be surprised to know how many people actually believe that Adam and Eve ate an apple.
Because that is what they have been taught. Not by God (The Bible does not ever tell us that the forbidden fruit was an apple), but by man (parents probably, or Sunday school teacher, or may be even their Preacher).
Kind of scary, ain’t it? I mean, if your preacher is teaching you this. And it is not in the word of God. Then you have to ask yourself, what else is he teaching that is not in the word of God.
This is the very reason for an earlier lesson on 'Why Study the Bible'.
Cause the next thing you know, your parents, or you preacher, or whoever, will be teaching you things like there were 3 wise men, or that Jesus was born on December 25, or may be even some more lot serious things, which we will get into in later lessons. Remember we must be like the people of Berea (
Acts 17:10-12
One more scary thought: I have actually talked with people that would tell me, "This is the way I believe, because this is what my parents believed, and their parents before them."
Now, let me ask you this: Who are these people putting their trust into? God or man (parents, preacher ,etc.)
Like I said, "Kind of scary, ain’t it?"
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