I think by now we can see the importance of 'STUDY', so I will go on to something that is of very great importance.
(Are you) (Am I) Lost?
I have heard, (Don't know if it is true or not, have not been able to verify it, but I will use it here because it makes a very good valid point), that is: I heard one time that someone ask the famious American explorer, Daniel Boone if he had ever been lost. And they said that he scratched his chin for a moment as he thought, and then he said, "No, I can't say that I have, but there was one time for about three days I was mighty bewildered."
The Bible teaches us in
Romans 3:23
that we all have sinned, and in
1 John 1:10
that we must be willing to admit to having sinned.
So, you might ask, what does all of that have to do with me? Well it has everything to do with you, and me also. Because Jesus came into the world to save that which was lost (
Matthew 18:11
). And we can see by the example we were given in the story of Zacchaeus (
Luke 19:1-10
). That being a 'sinner' and being 'lost' is the same thing.
And it is because of the 'gospel (Good News, that is what the word gospel means) of Christ' that we through this gospel have hope of salvation (
Romans 1:16-17
So as lost sinners and understanding our need for being saved, let me go to the next lesson where we will see what the Bible says we can do/need to do/MUST do, to be saved.
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