We   Must   Repent


That's right, Repentance.

As we continue to study God's Word, we come across passages like, Acts 17:30 . Where we are told we are 'commanded' to repent. And also, Acts 3:19 where it tells us, so "that your sins may be blotted out". Plus many other passages as well.

So just what is repentance?

Repentance is a 'change', a 'turn about', a 'reversal'. Basically, it is making up your mind that you are no longer going to do the sinful things you used to do, and you are going to start doing the things God wants you to do.


Because of your 'Love for God' and all of the things God has already done for you and will do for you ( John 14:15 ) (See also our previous study #013 on Love).

For some people, this will require a tremendous life change. It MAY even require having to find a new job or even dissolving a marriage. And then for some people, it would actually require very little life style change.

Also another reason we are suppose to start doing the things God wants you to do is found in James 4:17 . Where the Bible tells us, 'If we don't do good, it is a sin'.

The BIG QUESTION is: Is repentance something that you would be willing to do?

Look at Hebrews 11:24-27 . Moses was willing to do this. You talk about living the life style of the 'rich and famous'. Moses gave up a lot.

Remember, this is NOT one of MY rules, but one of GOD's.

Here is a list of just some of the passages where we are told to repent: ( Matthew 4:17 , Matthew 9:13 , Matthew 12:41 , Mark 6:12 , Luke 13:3-5 , Luke 15:10 , Luke 24:47 , Acts 2:38 , Acts 26:20 , 2 Peter 3:9 , and Revelation 3:19 ). Just to name a few.

I must remind you that REPENTANCE is something you MUST also continue doing.

As you study God's word, and continue to learn the things God tells you 'NOT TO DO'. You must quit doing those things (Repent).
And as you learn the things God tells you 'TO DO'. You must start doing those things (Repent, from not doing, to doing).

So here again, the BIG QUESTION is:

Is this something that you would be willing to do?

What do you think about this lesson ???
Go to the COMMENTS link and enter YOUR COMMENTS so we can SEARCH FOR THE TRUTH together.


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*STUDY #021
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*STUDY #027
*STUDY #028

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