It is with great joy and responsibility that I am undertaking this opportunity to share with all who will listen, the simplicity, wonder, and the importance of the Holy Gospel. I hope that everyone will follow a few simple rules as they follow along with me as we study God's word. But I also want to make it clear that I am NOT committing myself to a definite schedule for adding, editing, etc. entries. But I will TRY to maintain this site as time and health allow. I do appreciate your patience with me.
If you would like, click on 'comments' and enter a comment giving me your e-mail address and requesting to be added to the mailing list and I will send you a notice when I do an up-date. Don't worry, I will not publish, sell, give away, etc. your address. If you wish to also comment on something, PLEASE send a seperate Blog Comment, that way your comment can be published while maintaining the confidenchilly of your e-mail.
As an added point, some browsers may request that you click something to accept 'ActiveX controls', this is not necessary in order to use this site, but it would be better if you did. What this allows you to do is: when you click the scripture reference in the lesson study, it will bring up a small window with the scripture reference in it, and after you read the passage, you can 'x-out' (by clicking the x in the upper right hand corner of the window). If this dose not work, then you may have to make sure that your 'pop up blocker' is turned off (go to tools, then to internet options= look through the different options and make sure the 'pop up blocker' option is NOT checked.) If you temporarily change this option to use this site, make sure you go back and 'check'/'activate' it when you are through. Or, you can hold down the Ctrl key on your key board while you click the reference link (This will temporarily disable the pop-up blocker) and it should bring up a new full size window. --All of this is just for your convenience.-- I would like for you to use your own Bible (but please do not use any of these 'modern' translations, for reasons we will discuss later).
There are a few assumptions that I am going to make, one is that you believe in GOD, but even if you don't, I think that you will find these studies rewarding because, just one of many reasons is that, our very society is based on many of the commandments God has given man.
Also I must assume that you believe that GOD is the author of the BIBLE and it provides knowledge for salvation. (
2 Timothy 3:15-16
Therefore it is necessary for us to 'SEARCH' FOR THE TRUTH (
2 Timothy 2:15
Acts 17:11
) to find out what this knowledge is.
Also see: (
Matthew 22:16
Mark 12:14
John 1:14-17
John 8:32
John 14:6
John 16:13
John 17:17
, &
John 18:37
) just to name a few.
At this point, I must ask you to go over the rules that you should follow as we go through this study process. So if you would, click on the 'RULES' link to the right and we will begin.